Latent Extrangeness. © Martin Sampedro 2024
“Thanks to photography, there exists the false belief that time can be stopped.”
“My cabinet of curiosities is a collection of images under construction. I make and remake them with my sight, completing them with fantasies, characters, ideas, and lights that memory reports. That memory will erase my memories, but it will not be able to forget my absence.”

“Latent Strangeness” by Martín Sampedro invites us on a fascinating sensory journey where photography and philosophical reflection intertwine in three acts.
This journey—life, death, compassion, natural and artificial intelligence, cruelty, and plasticity—converges with the supreme verb of eternity. The works challenge us on reality and perception, questioning our understanding of the world beyond the limits of human experience. Through his photographs, we visit symbolic landscapes, still lifes, and bodegons where each light reveals stories and each detail uncovers mysteries of the subconscious. Thus, “Latent Strangeness” is not just a collection of photographs but a poetic meditation on expansion, the fleeting nature of life, and the eternity of art.
From the first pages, the author introduces us to his “Cabinet of Curiosities,” images that are portals to memory, fantasy, and inner reflection. He shows us images with views of the inner and ulterior world, turning the ordinary into extraordinary. This exploration encourages us to participate in the creation of meaning and reinterpretation of our existence. He plays with the idea of memory and its inherent fragility, reminding us that while memories may fade, our absence persists in the reality we leave behind. This subtle but powerful reminder confronts us with the duality of memory: its ability to preserve moments and its natural tendency to fade. Thus, this “Cabinet of Curiosities” projects the mind of its author, where latent thoughts, emotions, and obsessions converge—a microcosm of human experience where past, present, and future meet.
The chapter on portraits, “Hall of Celebrities,” takes us on a tour of museums of natural sciences and anthropology. A gallery of portraits transmuting cruelty into compassion. It reflects on the evolution of “the portrait” as a form of expression and its impact on our perception of self, the other, and the alter ego, questioning the nature of representation and the impact of time on the creation and manipulation of images.
The mysterious photographs of fungi and mycelium show how the supreme intelligence of nature challenges our conception of the living and the inanimate. This “Gallery of Pareidolias” is the treasure of his cave, provoking us to explore our own perceptual capabilities. The psychic experience of observing and simultaneously becoming the protagonist and author of his photographs. It also reminds us of the interconnectedness of life forms and invites us to reflect on our relationship with language, pharmacology, and the chaotic vocation of nature.
The final chapter, “Hall of Entropies,” is a laboratory experiment. Here, Sampedro explores the transformative power of nature, where lichens cling to the skin of marble in an unrelenting transformative mission. This unusual collection of images confronts us with the relentless nature of time. Thus, the inevitable decay that challenges the very existence of time faithfully complies with the laws of thermodynamics, entropy, the expansion of the universe, its minds, and the chaotic nature of being.
Definitely, “Latent Strangeness” urges us to reflect on the power of images to shape our understanding of the world and to recognize the importance of being critical and aware in our relationship with photography and visual language. Sampedro reminds us that life is a mosaic of experiences and that our understanding of the world is limited only by our imagination.
“Latent Strangeness” is a work that elevates, inspires, and transforms us in our particular quest for meaning and truth.
Christian Domínguez Dietz